January 31, 2012

Excuses Please?

I literally sat around thinking of an excuse to stay home tonight and not go to the gym.  The whole concept strikes me as odd.  It wasn't too long ago that I could easily come up with many excuses. 

January 30, 2012


You know those people that go to the gym and say, "I love working out, it feels so good."  Well I think they just lie.  I know working out is good for me, but it NEVER feels great.

I met with my trainer again tonight.  She pushed me much harder this week.  I did 30 push-ups! That's a huge accomplishment for me.  They were in sets of 10 and girl push-ups, but regardless that's more than I've done for years.  I will do this same routine every other day, plus cardio every day.

I have to admit I feel good.  I have increased my endurance and flexibility, but I'm not sure I will ever get to the point that I love it.

January 28, 2012

The Beginning

My coworker had a good time making this video, so I had to share it.  I am going out to walk with students on Fit Friday at school.  I have also followed Superintendent Shumway's recommendation to dedicate a few minutes of faculty meeting to healthy tips. I'm excited to involve others in my journey.

What Was I Thinking?

This is what I have asked myself several times since I "won" as a contestant for the Gold's Gym Utah and KUTV 2 News Body Transformation.  Gold's Gym Body Transformation - Part 2

Last Spring I remember looking in the mirror and I did not recognize who I saw.  I lost myself in being a mom, working full time, and schooling.  It was at that time I decided I needed to "find myself."  Since June, I have been working on changing my eating habits and have been successful.  I gave up Diet Pepsi and started eating healthy foods.  I lost 35 lbs. and hit a plateau.  I knew I needed to increase the intensity of my workouts, so when I heard about the Body Transformation challenge I thought I would enter.   

Wish me luck!